As an agent, you know that marketing is essential to your success. The question is: "are you sure your current marketing is speaking to all the people you know and more broadly, to the right people?
Maybe you're using the same old tired marketing materials that everyone else is using. Or maybe you're trying to write your own marketing copy, but you're not sure how to make it stand out.
The problem is your current marketing is probably not reaching the people who are most likely to buy a home from you. Considering over 90% of people are not in the market to buy or sell, what is your marketing doing to brand you and maintain top-of-mind awareness. It may simply be not speaking to their needs or their wants.
That's where a content marketing service can help. A content marketing service can provide you with a new voice for your marketing. A voice that will speak to your target audience and resonate with them.
A content marketing service can also help you develop a marketing strategy that will reach your target audience where they are. They can help you create content that will be shared on social media, that will rank well in search engines, and that will get noticed by potential clients.
If you're not sure if your current marketing is speaking to the right people, it's time to add a new voice.
At InTouch Systems, our content strategy is to brand you as a real estate professional by addressing issues that face homeowners not only when they buy or sell, but all the years they own the property. Our goal is to make you the "source" of real estate information to your public.
With roughly one-third of the agents coming into the business each year, and another one-third leaving it, it is imperative to maintain top-of-mind awareness with each person you know. The objective is that whenever they think about buying or selling or hear of a person who is, they'll immediately think of you.
InTouch's content blend is email in the form of newsletters, holiday greetings, and special occasions. The social media postings are a mixture of infographics, short stories, and videos that are posted Monday through Friday.
These communications are bolstered with ten different Information Guides, an array of financial calculators, a personalized landing page, and a personalized list of your recommended service providers.
Contact a content marketing service today and see how they can help you reach more potential clients and grow your business.
Distinguish yourself from the competition and start the conversation they want to have. Go to today to learn more about how we can help you add a new voice to your real estate marketing and reach more potential clients to increase your repeat and referral business.